Children’s Games

11111Some people have asked why we play games when teaching Aikido. Isn’t it distracting from the objective of the class?

Aikido teaches principles and movements. From an early age we are trained to fall in a particular way, walk in a particular way and even fight in a particular way. Where fist and feet are the only way.

We like to challenge these notions and develop a training regime that questions the way we move and make subtle enhancements to protect ourselves. Although Aikido does use ‘fists and feet’ in the form of atemis (distracting attacks), the main emphasis is on throwing dropping and locking techniques so we can neutralise an attack or the attacker.

The games we play are a way to teach these principles. Principles like irimi (entering), proper posture and tenkan (lit. convert or divert). These are not always simple to teach. We employ games for children (appropriate for age) to teach these principles.

The games we play (To see them you’ll have come to class, videos may follow shortly)

Samurai Circle: – Teaches tenkan

Samurai Slash: – Spacial awareness teamwork and irimi

Shogun Assassin: –  Shiko (Knee walking) Speed and balance

Shuriken: – Alertness, multiple attackers and reaction

Zombie Apocalypse: – Being attacked by multiple people

Assassins tail: – Irimi and overcoming a larger attacker


We also include breakfalling games where children learn to fall safely and overcome there fear of being dropped onto the mat. This allows us to teach a greater variety of techniques where children are competent in receiving the techniques.

Thank you

Sensei Q